Thursday, August 27, 2020
Why are some countries in debt?
For what reason are a few nations under water? What effect does it have on improvement? What is obligation? On a global scale, obligation is the owing of cash starting with one nation then onto the next or a universal association because of past acquiring due to require. For what reason are a few nations in the red? Nations can be in the red for various reasons: 1) Trade shortfall At the point when a nation's imports are worth in excess of a nation's fares, the nation loses cash and along these lines it is compelled to obtain cash from different nations or worldwide associations to attempt to cover the misfortunes. 2) Natural catastrophes and tied guide After a cataclysmic event, a nation may get reliant on the guide of another nation for a brief timeframe. Anyway now and then the guide given is tied guide where the nation getting help may need to take care of the cash given (perhaps with premium). They are consequently paying off debtors to the benefactor nation/association. 3) Money botch On the off chance that a nation bungles their utilization of cash (no doubt through the administration) and goes through cash superfluously while taking out credits to take care of the expense, the nation can wind up in the red. The impact of obligation on improvement At the point when a nation is owing debtors, a larger part of the cash it produces is utilized to repay cash to the benefactor nation. This implies there is minimal expenditure being put into the social foundation of the nation, so human services and training levels continue as before or deteriorate in general easing back down or now and then even converse building up a nation as proficiency rates may fall and insufficient cash could be put resources into improving medicinal services. Methods of taking care of obligation issues Dropping obligation †What are the preferences and detriments? Preferences †The benefits of dropping obligation are that it can permit a poor nation to begin putting the cash it gains into its turn of events/social framework instead of taking care of obligation to created nations. This would overall be able to assist with battling neediness and lessen the advancement hole. In 2005, Zambia had $4 million of obligation dropped and in 2006 it had enough cash to pay with the expectation of complimentary human services for many individuals living in rustic regions, improving the personal satisfaction. In Tanzania, cash spared from obligation scratch-offs permitted the administration to annul elementary school charges in 2001. Subsequently, the quantity of understudies that go to grade school multiplied. These models show that by dropping obligation, it permits cash to be put resources into training which can prompt more individuals landing positions, generally speaking adding to a nation's economy, improving the GDP and by putting resources into medicinal services, the future and baby death rate can likewise diminish. Rundown: - a nation can put resources into its turn of events - It diminishes neediness and can decrease the advancement hole - models incorporate Zambia and Tanzania Inconveniences †Although dropping obligation can assist a nation with developing, there are additionally a few disservices. Right off the bat, the benefactor nation loses a lot of cash which can somewhat harm its economy. Creating nations which have had their obligation counteracted could begin taking more advances, in the expectation of having obligation picked up from that dropped also (This anyway is impossible as in the end created nations will in the long run observe when a nation does not merit offering cash to and in a period of emergency, nothing will be given) When a credit is taken, the cash ought to be returned and on the off chance that it isn't, it could give the nation which didn't take care of, an awful notoriety. Rundown: †The contributor nation loses cash †Countries could take out more credits †A credit ought to be repaid whenever taken in any case Obligation for nature trades Deforestation to a great extent happens for affordable requirements of a nation to attempt to take care of obligation. An obligation for nature trade is an understanding between a creating country in the red and at least one of its loan bosses. In an obligation for nature trade, the nation or association owed cash, discounts a measure of obligation as an end-result of a specific measure of ecological security. They were first settled during the 1980s in the endeavor of tackling two issues with one understanding: 1) to limit the obligation of creating countries and 2) to limit the natural devastation that much of the time happens in creating nations. An organization called WWF (overall store for nature) which helps out nations, for example, UK and USA has assisted with organizing and plan numerous obligation for nature trades. In 2008 they assisted with organizing and encourage one of the biggest obligation for nature trades in Madagascar's history in which 20 million dollars was resolved to protect the nation's rich biodiversity. Additionally in 2008, the USA paid off Peru's obligation by $25 million in return for preserving its rainforests. Obligation for nature trades are very valuable since they not just drop the obligation of a nation permitting them to put resources into advancement, however it assists with ensuring the earth and moderate a portion of the world's rainforests. This improves it than simply dropping obligation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Night World Secret Vampire Chapter 2 Free Essays
â€Å"Poppy!†Poppy could hear her mother’s voice, yet she couldn’t see anything. The kitchen floor was darkened by moving dark specks. â€Å"Poppy, are all of you right?†Now Poppy felt hermother’s hands getting a handle on her upper arms, holding her restlessly. We will compose a custom article test on Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 2 or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The torment was facilitating and her vision was returning. As she fixed up, she saw James in front ofher. His face was practically vacuous, yet Poppy realized him all around ok to perceive the concern in hiseyes. He was holding the milk container, she understood. He probably got it on the fly as she droppeditâ€amazing reflexes, Poppy thought ambiguously. Truly astonishing. Phillip was on his feet. â€Å"Are you alright? Whathappened?†â€Å"I-don’t know.†Poppy glanced around, thenshrugged, humiliated. Since she felt better shewished they weren’t all gazing at her so hard. Theway to manage the torment was to disregard it, to notthink about it. â€Å"It’s simply this dumb torment I think it’s gastrowhatchmacallit. You know, something I ate.†Poppy’s mother gave her little girl the barest part of a shake. â€Å"Poppy, this isn't gastroenteritis.You were having some agony before-almost a monthago, wasn’t it? Is this a similar sort of pain?†Poppy wriggled awkwardly. As an issue offact, the agony had never truly left. Somehow,in the energy of year's end exercises, she’dmanaged to ignore it, and at this point she was accustomed to working around it. â€Å"Sort of,†she stalled. â€Å"But That was sufficient for Poppy’s mother. She gavePoppy a little press and set out toward the kitchen phone. â€Å"I know you don’t like specialists, yet I’mcalling Dr. Franklin. I need him to investigate you. This isn’t something we can ignore.†â€Å"Oh, Mom, it’s vacation†¦.†Her mom secured the mouthpiece of the phone.†Poppy, this is nonnegotiable. Go get dressed.†Poppy moaned, yet she could see it was no use.She enticed to James, who was looking attentively into a center separation. â€Å"Let’s in any event tune in to the CD before I need to go.†He looked at the CD as though he’d overlooked it, and put down the milk container. Phillip tailed them into the foyer. â€Å"Hey, mate, you hold up over here while she gets dressed.†James scarcely turned. â€Å"Get an actual existence, Phil,†he said absently. â€Å"Just keep your hands off my sister, you deve.†Poppy just shook her head as she went into her room. As though James thought about observing her uncovered. On the off chance that only,she thought dismally, pulling a couple of shortsout of a cabinet. She ventured into them, despite everything shaking her head. James was her closest companion, her very bestfriend, and she was his. Be that as it may, he’d never demonstrated even the smallest want to get his hands on her. Once in a while she thought about whether he understood she was a young lady. Some time or another I’m going to makehim see, she thought,and yelled out the entryway for him. James came in and grinned at her. It was a grin others once in a while observed, not a provoking or amusing smile, however a decent grin, marginally abnormal. â€Å"Sorry about the specialist thing,†Poppy said. â€Å"No. You ought to go.†James gave her a keenglance. â€Å"Your mom’s right, you know. This has been going on excessively long. You’ve shed pounds; it’s keeping you up around evening time â€Å" Poppy saw him, alarmed. She hadn’t informed anyone regarding how the agony was more awful around evening time, not even James. In any case, now and then James just knewthings. As though he could guess what her might be thinking. â€Å"I simply know you, that’s all,†he stated, and afterward gaveher an evil sideways look as she gazed at him. He opened up the CD. Poppy shrugged and floundered on her bed, gazing atthe roof. â€Å"Anyway, I wish Mom would let me have oneday of vacation,†she said. She extended her neckto take a gander at James hypothetically. â€Å"I wish I had a mother like yours. Mine’s continually stressing and attempting to fix me.†â€Å"And mine doesn’t truly care on the off chance that I come or go. Sowhich is worse?†James said wryly. â€Å"Your guardians let you have your own condo. â€Å" â€Å"In a structure they own. Since it’s less expensive thanhiring a manager.†James shook his head, his eyeson the CD he was placing in the player. â€Å"Don’t knockyour guardians, kid. You’re more fortunate than you know.†Poppy considered that the CD began. Sheand James both loved stupor the underground electronic sound that had originated from Europe. James likedthe techno beat. Poppy adored it since it was genuine music, crude and unpasteurized, made by individuals who had faith in it. Individuals who had the energy, not individuals who had the cash. Moreover, world music caused her to feel a piece of otherplaces. She adored its distinction, the alienness. On second thought, perhaps that was what she likedabout James, as well. His distinction. She tilted her head to take a gander at him as the bizarre rhythms of Burundi drumming filled the air. She realized James superior to anybody, however there wasalways something, something about him that was shut off to her. Something about him that no one could reach. Others took it for presumption, or frigidity, oraloofness, however it wasn’t actually any of those things. It was simply distinction. He was increasingly extraordinary thanany of the exchangestudents at school. On numerous occasions, Poppy felt she had nearly placed thedifference, however it generally sneaked away. Furthermore, more than once, particularly late around evening time when they were tuning in to music or viewing the sea, she’d felthe was going to advise her. Furthermore, she’d consistently felt that on the off chance that he didtell her, itwould be something significant, something as stunning and exquisite as having a lost feline address her. A little while ago she took a gander at James, at his dignitary, carvenprofile and at the earthy colored influxes of hair on his brow, and thought, He looks miserable. â€Å"Jamie, nothing’s wrong, right? That is to say, at home, oranything?†She was the main individual on the planet permitted to call him Jamie. Not even Jacklyn or Michaela had ever attempted that. â€Å"What could not be right at home?†he stated, with asmile that didn’t arrive at his eyes. At that point he shook his head pretentiously. â€Å"Don’t stress over it, Poppy. It’snothing significant only a relative taking steps to visit. An undesirable relative.†Then the grin didreach his eyes, flickering there. â€Å"Or perhaps I’m justworried about you,†he said. Poppy began to state, â€Å"Oh, as though, â€Å"but rather she ended up saying, strangely, â€Å"Are you really?†Her reality appeared to strike some harmony. Hissmile vanished, and Poppy found that they were essentially taking a gander at one another with no protecting silliness between them. Simply looking into each other’s eyes. James looked dubious, practically defenseless. â€Å"Poppy Poppy gulped. â€Å"Yes?†He opened his mouth-and afterward he got upabruptly and went to change her 170-watt Tall-kid speakers. At the point when he turned around, his dim eyes were dull and fathomless. â€Å"Sure, on the off chance that you were truly debilitated, I’d be worried,†hesaid delicately. â€Å"That’s what companions are for, right?†Poppy emptied. â€Å"Right,†she said thoughtfully, andthen gave him a decided grin. â€Å"But you’re not sick,†he said. â€Å"It’s just somethingyou need to get dealt with. The doctor’ll most likely give you a few anti-toxins or something-with a bigneedle,†he included underhandedly. â€Å"Oh, shut up,†Poppy said. He realized she was frightened of infusions. Simply the idea of a needle entering her skin †¦ â€Å"Here comes your mom,†James stated, looking atthe entryway, which was partially open. Poppy didn’t perceive how he could hear anyone coming-the music was noisy andthe lobby was covered. Yet, a moment later her mom pushed the entryway open. â€Å"All right, sweetheart,†she said energetically. â€Å"Dr.Franklin says come directly in. I’m sorry, James, yet I’m must take Poppy away.†â€Å"That’s OK. I can return this afternoon.†Poppy knew when she was crushed. She allowedher mother to tow her to the carport, overlooking James’s emulating of somebody getting a huge infusion. After an hour she was lying on Dr. Franklin’s looking at table, eyes pleasantly turned away as his delicate fingers tested her midsection. Dr. Franklin was tall, lean,and turning gray, with the quality of a nation specialist. Some body you could trust totally. â€Å"The torment is here?†he said. â€Å"Yeah-however it kind of goes into my back. Or on the other hand perhaps I just pulled a muscle back there or something The delicate, testing fingers moved, at that point halted. Dr. Franklin’s face changed. Also, some way or another, at that time, Poppy knew it wasn’t a pulled muscle. Itwasn’t an agitated stomach; it wasn’t anything straightforward; and things were going to change until the end of time. All Dr. Franklin said was, â€Å"You know, I’d like toarrange for a test on this.†His voice was dry and attentive, however alarm twisted through Poppy at any rate. She couldn’t clarify what was going on inside her-a terrifying feeling, similar to a dark pit opening in the ground before her. â€Å"Why?†her mom was asking the specialist. â€Å"Well.†Dr. Franklin grinned and pushed his glassesup. He tapped two fingers on the inspecting table.†Just as a component of a procedure of end, truly. Poppysays she’s been having torment in the upper mid-region, torment that transmits to her back, torment that’s more awful atnight. She’s lost her craving as of late, and she’s shed pounds. What's more, her lady
Friday, August 21, 2020
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Buy a Research Paper OnlineThere are many reasons to buy a research paper online. First, you don't have to leave your desk to do research on a topic you are familiar with. Second, you can have access to high quality articles all the time.Another reason to buy a research paper online is that it is one of the best ways to keep up with the latest news in your field. Many of the articles come from people who are experts in their field. By being able to read and learn from these people, you will be able to find out about what they are saying in your own area of expertise.When you are interested in buying an article, make sure that you find out about the current trends in your field. It is important to know what is being talked about in your field. You can also take this information to get ahead in your field. This is because trends can give you information about which areas you need to work on.When you buy a research paper online, there are also many options that you can choose from. Each article that is published comes with a resource box at the end. Make sure that you get something from a reputable publication. This will help you make a more informed decision.If you are going to purchase an article from an online source, it is important to know what you want to get in return for the purchase. After all, you may not have access to other authors that you can interview. That is why you need to make sure that you have some type of payment arrangement in place so that you can get the best of the best.One of the best things about buying a research paper online is that you can get your work anywhere in the world. Many authors publish articles internationally. If you cannot get the information that you need when you are in the United States, then you can get it from an author in France or elsewhere.With the Internet, you can also buy an article with just a few clicks of the mouse. Just a few clicks of the mouse will get you an article. You will not have to go anywhere els e to find the information that you need.If you are considering purchasing an article from an online source, then you should consider buying a research paper online. This will save you a lot of time and money. As long as you take some time to do some research on the topic, you will find that the article that you get is a valuable source of information.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Spanish Gerund Following Verbs Other Than Estar
The Spanish gerund  the verb form ending in -ando or -iendo  is used frequently with forms of estar to form the progressive tenses. However, it can also be used with other verbs, sometimes with meanings that are similar to the progressive tenses. Verbs Often Used With the Gerund Here are some of the most common verbs that can be followed by the gerund: Seguir or Continuar These verbs typically mean to keep on or to continue. With this usage, the two verbs are generally interchangeable with little difference in meaning. Sony sigue hablando mal del plasma, mientras sigue lanzando televisores LCD. (Sony keeps on speaking poorly of plasma while it keeps on releasing LCD televisions.)Venezuela continuarà ¡ comprando cemento cubano. (Venezuela will keep on buying Cuban cement.)Muchas veces seguimos durmiendo mà ¡s de lo que deberà amos. (Many times we continue sleeping longer than we should.)Las cuatro continuaban peleando y un hombre que se movilizaba en una motocicleta aprovechà ³ para robarles. (The four kept on fighting and a man on a motorcycle took advantage of the situation to rob them.) Andar Although standing alone andar typically means to walk, when followed by a gerund it means roughly the same as to go around doing something in a rather pointless or unproductive fashion. If youre translating to English, the translation can vary considerably with context. Andar generally has a negative connotation when used this way. Descubrà el foro porque andaba navegando en Internet. (I discovered the forum because I was browsing around the Internet.)Katy anda comiendo todo el dà a. (Katy goes around eating all day.)Tà º sabes que todos andamos buscando una vida que satisfaga. (You know that all of us spend our time looking for a satisfying life.) Ir Sometimes, ir is used in the same way as andar, above. But it usually doesnt have the negative connotation. In fact, it usually suggests that the action in progress is proceeding gradually or steadily. Again, translations of ir followed by the Spanish gerund can vary with the context. Vamos estudiando mejor la situacià ³n real del pueblo. (We are coming to study better the real situation of the people.)Fueron comprando trozo a trozo el terreno durante un proceso de unos quince aà ±os mà ¡s o menos. (They went about buying the land one piece at a time during a process that lasted 15 years more or less.)Los estudiantes van ganando influencia. (The students are steadily gaining influence.) Venir Followed with a gerund, venir often refers to something that has been occurring for a long time and is still continuing. It sometimes conveys frustration that the action isnt complete. As in the first two examples below, it is often used to indicate how long something has been occurring. En los à ºltimos aà ±os, se viene hablando de liderazgo. (In recent years, much has been spoken about leadership.)Hace seis meses que viene probando suerte como modelo en Parà s. (For the past six months she has been trying her luck as a model in Paris.)Vienen diciendome que no soy normal. (They have been telling me that Im not normal.) Following Other Verbs With Gerunds In general, most verbs can be followed by a gerund as a way of indicating how the first verbs action in performed. In effect, the gerund functions much as an adverb. In many cases, sentences using a gerund in this way cant be translated word for word.. A few examples: Empezamos escuchando y terminamos entendiendo todo. (We begin by listening and finish by understanding everything.)De pronto nos encontramos escribiendo una nueva historia. (Suddenly we found ourselves writing a new story.)Antonio miraba estudiando todos mis movimientos. (Antonio watched me, studying all of my movements.)Buscamos en su Instagram unos fotos donde aparezcas sonriendo. (We are searching on your Instagram feed for photos where you appear to be smiling.)  ¡Ã‚ ¡Ella perdià ³ 12 kilos bebiendo este jugo milagroso!! (She lost 12 kilograms by drinking this miracle juice!) Key Takeaways The gerund is used most often with estar to form the progressive or continuous tenses.It can also be used with several other verbs, among them seguir and continuar, to convey an idea similar to a progressive tense.In other situations, the gerund can function much like an adverb in modifying or explaining the meaning of another verb.
Friday, May 15, 2020
What Is Cabinet Solidarity in Canadian Government
In Canada, the Cabinet (or Ministry) consists of the prime minister and various ministers who oversee different federal government departments. This Cabinet operates under the principle of solidarity, meaning that the ministers may disagree and state their personal opinions during private meetings, but must present a unified front on all decisions to the public. Thus, the ministers must publicly support the decisions made by the prime minister and the Cabinet as a whole. Collectively, the ministers will be held accountable for these decisions, even if they do not personally agree with them. The Canadian governments Open and Accountable Government guide provides Cabinet ministers with their roles and responsibilities. With respect to solidarity, it states: Confidences of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, more commonly referred to as Cabinet confidences, must be appropriately safeguarded from unauthorized disclosure or other compromises. The Cabinet’s collective decision-making process has traditionally been protected by the rule of confidentiality, which enhances Cabinet solidarity and collective ministerial responsibility. Confidentiality ensures that Ministers can frankly express their views before a final decision is made. The Prime Minister expects Ministers to announce policies only after Cabinet decisions are taken, in consultation with the Prime Minister’s Office and the Privy Council Office. How the Canadian Cabinet Reaches Agreement The prime minister oversees decision-making in the Cabinet by organizing and leading Cabinet and committee meetings. The Cabinet works through a process of compromise and consensus building, which leads to a Cabinet decision. The Cabinet and its committees do not vote on issues before them. Instead, the prime minister (or committee chairperson) â€Å"calls†for the consensus after the ministers have stated their views on the matter under consideration. Can a Canadian Minister Disagree With the Government? Cabinet solidarity means that all members of the Cabinet must support Cabinet decisions. In private, the ministers may voice their opinions and concerns. However, in public, the Cabinet ministers cannot disassociate themselves from or repudiate the decisions of their Cabinet colleagues unless they resign from the Cabinet. Additionally, Cabinet ministers must present their opinions during decision-making, but after the Cabinet makes a decision, the ministers must maintain confidentiality about the process. Canadian Ministers May Be Accountable for Decisions They Don't Agree With Canadian ministers are held jointly accountable for all decisions of the Cabinet, so they may have to answer for decisions they were personally against. Additionally, the ministers are individually responsible and accountable to Parliament for all acts by their respective departments. This principle of ministerial accountability means that each minister has ultimate responsibility for the proper functioning of his or her department and all other organizations within his or her portfolio. In a situation where a ministers department has acted inappropriately, the prime minister may choose to reaffirm support for that minister or to ask for his or her resignation.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
No Heroes, No Villains By Steven Phillips - 1212 Words
In the short book of â€Å"No Heroes, No Villains†by Steven Phillips On June 28, 1972, a Transit Authority patrolman, John Skagen, was on his way home from testifying at court for an arrest he made a couple of weeks prior. Skagen was taking the train home to the Bronx when he saw and stopped James Richardson who was awaiting the subway train which would take him to work at Lincoln Hospital. Skagen ordered him to â€Å"put up your hands, and get against the wall†. Skagen’s actions seem unprovoked and unnecessary. After a short tussle the two men exchanged shots and Richardson fled the scene on foot. Two other officers that were on the main street above the subway station rushed to the scene. As they approached the entrance of the station, Richardson who was fleeing the scene ran directly into one of the officers. One of the officer noticed Richardson was shot and attempted to stop Richardson. The other officer continued down into the subway and witnesses Skagen h olding his gun and pointing it towards him, the officer emptied his gun into Skagen who was able to let off one round prior to the officer shooting him. Richardson was later apprehended and taken to the emergency room for his wounds. His gun was also retrieved. Skagen was rushed to the same hospital emergency room where he was pronounced dead. Richardson confessed to shooting Skagen and revealed that there were only four rounds exchanged between the two men. Skagen’s autopsy revealed that he had been shot five times andShow MoreRelatedNo Heros No Villians1488 Words  | 6 PagesSociology 461 Criminal Justice Systems Edward M. Stern No Heroes, No Villains; by Steven Phillips In the book No Heroes, No Villains the author Steve Phillips describes a story of a single dramatic trial of murder it offers a thoughtful and balanced presentation of the problems besetting our criminal courts, lays bare the mechanics of justice, and explains in graphic detail just what is wrong and right about our criminal justice system. Throughout this book there are many important details leadingRead MoreVillains in Hollywood Films Essay2476 Words  | 10 PagesVillains in Hollywood Films Alfred Hitchcock once said The better the villain, the better the film and this years Hollywood filmmakers have abided by this golden rule as there was no stopping this years summer blockbusters from having a whole horde of villainous characters spreading their wings onto the big screen, making the darker side more appealing for audiences. Everybody has gone villain this year, from Tom Cruise to Halle Berry, from the not- so-friendly extraRead MoreThe Marvel Of Marvel Comics2519 Words  | 11 PagesApril 14, 2015 The History of Marvel Comics When is the last time you saw a superhero? There is a fifty percent chance that this person is one of Marvel’s infinite amounts of superheroes and greatly known as the mass producers of comic book heroes and villains, Marvel Comics has become one of the most dominant pop culture icons on the face of the planet (Knutson). Marvel is one of the most influential when it comes to all ages living in the United States because of being operational for so long: theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSelf-Assessment Library How Charismatic Am I? 382 Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader? 386 An Ethical Choice Do Leaders Have a Responsibility to Protect Followers? 388 Myth or Science? â€Å"Power Helps Leaders Perform Better†392 Point/Counterpoint Heroes Are Made, Not Born 398 Questions for Review 399 Experiential Exercise What Is a Leader? 399 Ethical Dilemma Undercover Leaders 399 Case Incident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power andRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 PagesRoss Brawn: ‘it’s not an engine, it’s not an aero-package, it’s not a chassis. It’s a Ferrari.’ As part of its recruitment of Michael Schumacher in 1996 Ferrari entered into a commercial partnership with Phillip Morris to use the Marlboro brand on the Ferrari cars. In a novel arrangement Phillip Morris, rather than Ferrari, paid Schumacher’s salary, and made a signiï ¬ cant contribution to Ferrari’s annual operating budget. In addition to Marlboro, Ferrari also entered into a long-term partnership withRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesThey are creating next generation, fuel efficient vehicles, developing sustainable sources of energy, and exploring the farthest reaches of outer space. The impact of project management is most profound in the electronics industry, where the new folk heroes are young professionals whose Herculean efforts lead to the constant flow of new hardware and software products. Project management is not limited to the private sector. Project management is also a vehicle for doing good deeds and solving social
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Economic Order Quantity and Optimal Order Size free essay sample
Question 1 The Metropolitan Book Company purchases papers from the Atlantic Paper Company. Metropolitan produces magazines and paperbacks that require 1,215,000 pounds of paper per year. The cost per order for the company is $1200; the cost of holding 1 pound of paper in inventory is $0.08 per year. Determine the following: a) The economic order quantity b) The minimum total annual cost c) The optimal number of orders per year d) The optimal time between orders Question 2 The purchasing manager for the Atlantic Steel Company must determine a policy for ordering coal to operate 12 converters. Each converter requires exactly 5 tons of coal per day to operate, and the firm operates 360 days per year. The purchasing manager has determined that the ordering cost is $80 per order and the cost of holding coal is 20% of the average dollar value of inventory held. The purchasing manager has negotiated a contract to obtain the coal for $12 per ton for the coming year. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Order Quantity and Optimal Order Size or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page a) Determine the optimal quantity of coal to receive in each order. b) Determine the total inventory-related costs associated with the optimal ordering policy (do not include the cost of the coal). c) If 5 days of lead time are required to receive an order of coal, how much coal should be on hand when an order is placed? Question 3 The Pacific Lumber Company and Mill process 10,000 logs annually, operating 250 days per year. Immediately upon receiving an order, the logging company’s supplier begins delivery to the lumber mill, at a rate of 60 logs per day. The lumber mill has determine that the ordering cost is $1,600 per order and the cost of carrying logs in inventory before they are processes is $15 per log on an annual basis. Determine the following: a) The optimal order size b) The total inventory cost associated with the optimal order quantity. c) The number of operating days between orders d) The number of operating days required to receive an order.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Is SDG 5 a problem for religion Essays - Gender, Gender Studies
Is SDG 5 a problem for religion? Gillian Paterson PhD, Heythrop College, University of London 2014 saw the 20thanniversary of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), agreed at Cairo in 1994. 2015 will see the ratification of a new set of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of these, a goal' that is already attracting controversy, especially among religious groups, is SDG 5: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls". This essay seeks for light on why this might be. TWO CONFERENCES In recent months, on behalf of the Catholic Network on Population and Development, I have taken part in two international consultations designed to address religious responses to the UN's post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the first, in New York in September 2014, we were the guests of UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund), which wants to promote a richer and more collaborative dialogue between religious faiths and the UN's development policies. The second, hosted by the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace, was in Rome, in May 2015. Sponsored by international Catholic women's organizations, this was part of an attempt by the Holy See to seek the views of Catholic women on how its Mission to the UN should be responding to the SDGs. It is hard to imagine two more different gatherings. Nevertheless, the really contentious issues were the same: namely reproductive choice, women's rights and how the concept of gender is understood. In UN documents, for example, the terms gender', sexual and reproductive health' (SRH) and reproductive rights' (RR) have become a kind of shorthand for a fundamental set of values ratified at ground-breaking international conferences in Beijing and Cairo in the nineties. However, some Catholic participants in Rome expressed reservations about this terminology, some based on a need for more adequate definition of terms, some on principle and some out of an apparent ignorance of the world of development. SDG 5, the gender-related goal, was of special concern, as speaker upon speaker counselled caution in accepting blanket terms such as gender', SRH' and RR': a concern related to the fear that espousing these ill-defined concepts will open doors, by default, to practices the Church could n ot endorse. Newcomers to religious gatherings like this expressed astonishment. What, they asked, was the problem? All three of these concepts - gender', SRH' and RR' - are widely used in development circles. Many of the activities they include are uncontroversial in any humanely-motivated gathering (as, for example, the promotion of antenatal services, education for girls, or measures to prevent trafficking and slavery). By demonising the language, they warned, you are at risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater: that is, hindering rational and informed discussion, polarising public dialogue, sabotaging work on the ground and undermining global and local planning. What can be done to resolve this impasse? GENDER First, certain aspects of the dialogue around religion and development need detoxifying, especially in relation to the language of gender. I've worked in this field since the mid-eighties, and for most of that time, gender analysis has been widely (and usefully) employed as a sociological tool for analysing the causes of inequalities associated with biological difference between male and female persons. In recent years, though, the emphasis has shifted, leading some to fear that in signing up to gender justice', gender rights', or gender equality', they are being tricked into endorsing an un-catalogued body of ideologically-based beliefs about issues with which the Catholic Church is traditionally uncomfortable such as abortion, surrogacy, gay marriage etc. Thus gender', which was once a perfectly useful concept, has lately morphed into a kind of catch-all, scapegoat term that takes the blame for everything that does not fit into particular ideals of sexuality and reproduction. Listening to these painful concerns, it became evident that there was a lack of consensus on the way language is being used and terms defined. Genderissuesmay be taken to refer to LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, intersexed) rights; people may connect genderanalysiswith the need to understand injustices based on sexual orientation, or indeed to deny male/female differences. Helpful as it has been for the language of gender rights to be available to LGBTI campaigners, there is little doubt that this shift of emphasis has undermined its capacity to
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Science Fair Project Ideas for Materials Science
Science Fair Project Ideas for Materials Science Materials science involves physical science and engineering. Science fair projects can invent new materials, improve existing materials, test the properties of materials, or compare the suitability of different materials for a specific purpose. Heres a look at some science fair project ideas in this field of research. Which material is best at resisting corrosion?Which chemicals produce the most corrosion on a particular material?Which type of fabric survives repeated machine washing the best?Compare the strengths of various types of paper towels.Compare the effectiveness of different types of sunscreen products.What processes can increase the strength of metals?Which type of wood burns the most slowly? Which produces the most heat when burned?Which type of glue is strongest?How does the shape of a material affect its strength? For example, which is stronger... a wooden dowel, I-beam, U-beam, etc. of a certain length and weight?Examine how things break. Do they break in a predictable manner that you can model?How is the bond of adhesive tape affected by temperature?What type of flour produces the fluffiest muffins?How do you make a strong rope using hair? Is it better to lay fibers side by side or wrap them into a bundle or...?What materials resist fire the best?What household materials are effect ive anti-friction lubricants? What type of water filter removes the most impurities?
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words - 1
Dissertation - Essay Example The findings suggest that price may be the most important determinant of customer loyalty, followed by location. Standard of service and brand name were not found to be as important in contributing to customer loyalty. Hotels are an important part of the tourism industry and with the trend to globalization, there have been an increasing number of hotels cropping up, offering a wide range of facilities to customers. Catered houses are emerging as a cost effective alternative to expensive hotels, especially since they may in some instances provide good levels of service as well, which are comparable to service levels at two or three star hotels. Within the UK, the hospitality industry is highly competitive and service levels are a vital factor in ensuring customer satisfaction with the hospitality services they receive. But customer satisfaction alone may not be adequate; rather it is customer loyalty that can prove to be cost effective and enable an organisation to gain a competitive advantage in the current global marketplace. Travel and tourism are booming today and several studies have already been carried out on the levels of passenger and hotel resident satisfaction across the globe. The impact of services and facilities available at hotels and their impact upon tourist satisfaction have also been assessed in other studies; however the number of studies that have examined the impact of these services in terms of customer loyalty are fewer. In particular, studies on customer loyalty in the context of catered houses is even less; hence this study aims to examine what are the factors likely to promote customer loyalty at a catered house and promote their repeated utilization of the services of the catered house and thereby demonstrate loyalty. This study thus aims to assess customer perception of service one catered hostel in London based upon a survey and thereby determine how likely it is that these customers could prove to be loyal customers, thereby
Thursday, February 6, 2020
I'll attach it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
I'll attach it - Essay Example This young man lived at a time when violence was the norm and through his work became a beacon of peace in the region. He travelled extensively for work, listening and learning on his travels about the customs, faiths and problems of people. He realized that the people needed to bond to be able to live peacefully. His reliance on observation and contemplation was his greatest strength. His open minded approach to problems, his humility, compassion and humaneness that taught people to return to old tribal values of helping the poor and downtrodden; endeared him to his people then, as they do today so many centuries later. His life is a shining example of a wise leader. His policy of bringing the community of Medina together regardless of faith or tribe show a remarkable understanding of the power of unity in the face of external threat. His statesmanship is revealed in his exhortation to the people to create a just and decent society whereby by each member of the community took up the responsibility of maintaining peace and harmony. His emphasis on equality for all is enshrined in his farewell sermon as he reminds his people that â€Å"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.†(Prophet Muhammad, â€Å"Farewell Sermon†) The qualities of justice, compassion a willingness to learn and treat people of all denominations as equals are the hallmarks of a great leader. Prophet Muhammad displayed these abundantly. In a world riven by strife a nd violence, Prophet Muhammad’s guidance is sorely needed to heal the divisions between man and man and hence he is indispensable as a role model for today’s
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Dangers of Concussions in US Sports Essay Example for Free
The Dangers of Concussions in US Sports Essay Concussions in Sports Given the potential for life threatening brain injuries or career ending head shots, concussions have become a growing problem in sports around the world. A phrase all too common in sports today is, he got his bell rung. This is, of course, referring to a big hit or gruesome body check sustained in a football or hockey game. Currently, there is a lack of suitable evidence to support the recommendations for the management of traumatic cerebralor brain injuries. Recognizing and managing the effects of concussions is especially important to those involved in the health care of athletes (Sports Related Concussions). Head injuries are inherent risks that can occur in any sport, not just football and hockey. The question is, how can we prevent these grim and life threatening injuries from happening? I believe neurocognitive research and on the field testing are among the most vital ways to manage concussions as well as benefit the health care of athletes. Background: In the United States, you have a 19% chance of suffering a concussion while playing a contact sport; moreover, over 300,000 sports related concussions occur annually. Among college football players, 34% have reported at least one serious head injury during their career; additionally, 20% of these injured athletes have sustained multiple head traumas. Concussions often cause significant and sustained neuropsychological impairments in information-processing speed, problem solving, planning, and memory, and these impairments are worse with multiple concussions (Sports Related Concussions). Definition: The brain is made of soft tissue cushioned by spinal fluid, and is encased in the hard, protective skull. When a person gets a head injury, the brain moves around inside the skull and bangs against it. This can lead to bruising of the brain, tearing of blood vessels, and injury to the nerves (Quinn). A concussion of the brain results in transient loss of consciousness or memory in many cases ( NeurocognitiveTesting: Concussions and brain injuries are among the most difficult to identify. Very few athletes actually lose consciousness, which is one of the most common symptoms. Many athletes are simply fervent to return to the field, which could cause even more harm. Returning to play too soon after a brain injury or concussion, may lead to serious life-threatening complications. A computerized neurocognitive test, combined with a thorough medical exam, may better assist a trained physician with the return-to-play decision (Computerized). One particular evaluation tool, the ImPACT test, has become renowned among all professional sports teams. Developed by Dr. Joseph Maroon, a Pittsburgh Steeler neurosurgeon, the ImPACT test utilizes a twenty minute quiz involving words, pictures, and colors. Medical doctors analyze the results and compare them to a baseline test taken in the beginning of the athletes season (Yahoo Sports). With the increase of attention to sports related head injuries, doctors are seeing more and more tests and products that claim to identify or prevent head injuries. According to Dr. Lovell, mouthpieces, ear pieces, and helmets are great for research purposes, but they cant tell if someone has been injured or if they should be playing (Yahoo Sports). On-Field or Sideline Evaluation: When an athlete is suspected of having a concussion, one of the best ways to detect a serious head injuryis through the evaluation of symptoms, neurocognitive functioning, and balance immediately after the injury occurs. The National Athletic Trainers Association suggests a checklist such as, the Graded Symptom Checklist, should be used when evaluatinga head injury. By checking off symptoms and watching the athlete over a period of 72 hours, you can greatly reduce any chance of reoccurrence. Another suggested method of evaluation is the Standardized Assessment of Concussion Exam; this test utilizes four graded sections, which include: orientation, immediate memory, concentration, and delayed recall. This 30 point test can be completed in about five minutes and is easily given right on the side line during a game. Another test, the Balance Error Scoring System, can easily be performed by a trainer of coach. The athlete stands in three different positions and is timed for 20 seconds each; ultimately, the less coordination the player shows, the higher the risk of a concussion is evident ( How do Concussions occur? Concussions can happen in any sport, at any time. They can occur during drills in practice, as well as in games. In fact, injuries during practice can be just as serious as those that happen during a game. Although more prevalent in contact sports, they may result from a fall, or when a moving object strikes a persons head. A blow that twists the head is more likely to result in loss of consciousness ( Mechanism of Injury: Studies show the most common mechanism of a concussion is when an athlete is moving at a high rate of speed and collides with another object (Quinn). Immediately, the brain shifts inside the skull and strikes the bony surfaces. A direct impact to an athletes head causes shock waves to pass through the skull to the brain. This violent impact creates acceleration which may lead to shear, tensile and compression forces. On average, three to five percent of all sport and recreational injuries are head injuries (Quinn), Signs and Symptoms: The signs of a concussion do not always immediately appear. Headache, amnesia, and confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, and fatigue are the most common symptoms of concussions. In addition, the duration of time that symptoms are present is often indefinable, and depends on the extent of the injury ( Even a minor blow to the head can result in a concussion; if left untreated, it can result in a life-threatening complication ( Sidney Crosby, a National Hockey League super star for the Pittsburgh Penguins, is currently not playing this post season after a concussion he sustained on New Years Day. Unfortunately, he was cleared to play the very next game, and suffered another blow to the head. Sidney was symptom free after the first hit, and apparently, he did not show signs of concussions until the second hit. Had Crosby been given a better on-ice evaluation, he would not have been cleared to play, and could have evaded the second concussion all together. Additionally, the problem is just as prevalent in the National Football League. At the University of North Carolinas Center for the Study of Retired Athletes, studies of brain injuries were performed on more than 2,500 former N.F.L. players. These studies found that cognitive impairment, Alzheimers-like symptoms and depression rose proportionately with the number of concussions the former athletes had sustained (Quinn). N.F.L. player, Andre Waters committed suicide in November 2004, and an explanation for his death has remainedunknown for years. He left a suicide note stating he would like to leave his brain for science to further study the effects of concussions. A Pittsburgh neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omaluh, was given permission to perform such tests. The doctor concluded that Mr. Waters had sustained brain damage from playing football, and said this led to his depression and death. The doctor determined that Mr. Waterss brain tissue had degenerated into that of an 85 year-old man with similar characteristics as those of early stage Alzheimers victims. Dr. Omalu said he believed that the damage was caused by successive concussions ( I believe there needs to be congressional help in combating this difficult issue of athletic concussions. Wearing a good quality helmet, a mouthpiece, and strengthening the neck muscles can help prevent concussions; however, much responsibility lies on the doctors, coaches, and surrounding medical staff. Also, although athletes may be eager to return to play, they need to be honest with the examiner, telling him or her exactly how they feel ( On the field baseline neurocognitive test may be our best hope for the time being, that is, until more research on concussions and the equipment players use can be conducted.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Birthmark Essay: The Theme -- Birthmark Essays
â€Å"The Birthmark†– The Theme              In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale, â€Å"The Birthmark,†the dominant theme is love conquering self, though there is also present the theme of alienation resulting from the evil within mankind. This essay intends to explore, exemplify and develop this topic.  Hyatt Waggoner in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne†states:  Alienation is perhaps the theme he handles with greatest power. â€Å"Insulation,†he sometimes called it – which suggests not only isolation but imperviousness. It is the opposite of that â€Å"osmosis of being†that Warren has written of, that ability to respond and relate to others and the world. . . . it puts one outside the ‘magic circle’ or the ‘magnetic chain’ of humanity, where there is neither love nor reality (54).  Waggoner’s theme of alienation does play a part in the tale, but the theme which dominates is that of love conquering self as exemplified in Georgiana’s growing love for Aylmer. Her love transforms her very soul. â€Å"Everything he has to say is related, finally, to ‘that inward sphere’†(McPherson 68-69). â€Å"When he desired to build the kingdom of God, he looked for the pattern of it, not in history nor in the fortunes of those about him, but in his own heart (Erskine 180).  In the opening paragraph of â€Å"The Birthmark†the narrator introduces Aylmer as a scientist who â€Å"had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one.†Hawthorne’s description of the scientist’s love for Georgiana is apt, for love is just that – spiritual. And the theme of this tale is a spiritual one. Through the course of the story Aylmer declines spiritually, while Georgiana advances spiritually.  Even after Aylmer has â€Å"persuaded a be... ...John. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Leading American Novelists. New York: Books For Libraries Press, 1968.  Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Birthmark†Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library  McPherson, Hugo. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Use of Mythology.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.  Waggoner, Hyatt. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century, edited by Richard Foster. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968.  Williams, Stanley T. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Puritan Mind.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.   Â
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Business Torts Wk 2
Business Torts Pearl leos University of Phoenix Buisness Law/ 531 Kelly Dickson June 10, 2010 Proposed actions a company may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are filed.Seeking advice from government authorities, specialists and risk-management consultants is a technique buinsess should use. It is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify risks and avoid descrepancies within the buisness (Parchomovsky, 2008). Business Torts In order to develop methods to reduce or eliminate torts, risks need to be identified and step s need to be taken. Proposing actions for a company to avoid tort liability and litigation is a way to keep ahead of the game.A company may take actions to avoid product liability risk such as; identifying risk, risk management, analysis and risk control to avoid torts. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is vital. Employing risk and management principles will not always prevent a businesses from being sued or from suffering loss but financial burdens can be significantly reduced. Identifying Risk An integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are ever filed.Not all companies understand how to completely guard themselves of outside entities that have ill will and malice intent therefore it is important to completely understand how to handle these circumstances. Such risks have an impact on a company’s exis ting assets, earnings, and often, reputation. In the context of tort liability arising out of noncompliance of government regulations, it is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify those risks, and to implement action plans to avoid such risks.Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from of domestic and international regulatory matters (Wilson, 2009). Regulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. Business members should be aware of specific goals, business needs, economics and the impact of potential liability as well as managing risk and risks associated with the failure to comply with a whole host of governmental regulations. In the event those risks do develop, the company needs to have system in place to properly manage and contain monetary and repetitional loss to the company.Additionally, companies will also benefit by anticipating what regulatory changes are upcoming instead to adjust the business practices accordingly, thereby minimizing the exposure to tort liability arising out of noncompliance of regulations (Wilson, 2009). Risk Management This may be as simple as continuing to operate as usual or as complicated as restructuring or abolishing an entire department. Risk IdentificationThe first step in the risk management process is to identify all potential losses facing a municipality. Risk identification is an on going process that changes with each new situation.Risk identification, or exposure identification, requires the development of an inventory of all municipal operations, knowledge of the potential liabilities that may be imposed by either statute or common law, and knowledge of the worth of all municipal assets and sources of revenue. This step must include an evaluation of all potential events that might adversely affect the finances of a municipality. Contracts should be reviewed thoroughly, before being signed, to ensu re that the municipality is obtaining the best deal possible.In some cases, risks can be transferred to the contracting party. Potential losses of income and extra expenses that a municipality might incur are two areas often overlooked in risk identification. (Parchomovsky, 2008). Other areas where risk management principles should be applied include vehicle usage, maintenance of property and facilities, public use of facilities, use of independent contractors and consultants, personnel questions and personal injury and property injury exposure. All municipal activities should be evaluated and facilities inspected.Court decisions and legislation that affect municipalities must be reviewed. Insurance and risk management publications should be studied for the latest information on loss avoidance. Attending courses on risk management may prove beneficial. The importance of the human element cannot be overemphasized when identifying risks. Asking employees and supervisors for their inpu t because they are in the best position to identify risks. It is important to communicate with people in other municipalities who are involved in risk management that might have faced and solved a similar problem in the past.Obviously, a great amount of guesswork is involved in risk identification, and some potential losses may be overlooked. However, by making a conscientious effort, the most common losses can be reduced or perhaps totally avoided (Marcus, 1986). Analysis The next step is to calculate the potential severity and frequency of losses facing the municipality in each of the identified risk areas. A review of the past experience of the municipality, as well as statistical information and probability analysis, is necessary. The impact of a particular risk on a municipality is difficult to determine.The use of statistics and probability analysis involves guesswork. To determine where a municipality should concentrate its risk management efforts, the risk analysis should be performed carefully. Some risks may involve such a small amount or probability of loss that the municipality will decide to simply absorb any losses which occur. The potential loss may be so large and difficult to avoid that insurance might be the only recourse (Marcus, 1986). Risk Control Once the risk areas are identified and analyzed, the next step is to eliminate, reduce or transfer the risk.Steps toward risk control are taken prior to suffering a loss, with the primary goal being loss prevention. However, when a loss cannot be prevented, risk control principles may help reduce the financial liability suffered by a municipality. Elimination of a risk is the most desirable goal. If a municipality discovers a way to eliminate a risk, there is no need to worry about its future effect or to insure against it but risks cannot always be eliminated. For instance, abolishing the police force will eliminate all loss exposure in that area, but in most cases, that action is not desirable. After an analysis, a municipality may decide to stop performing some activities or to transfer the risk to a private operator. If a risk cannot be eliminated, the next choice is to attempt to reduce the risk. Risk reduction primarily involves safety. Some common techniques for reducing risks include adoption of policies for, and proper training of, personnel, particularly for the police and fire protection services, and proper inspection and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Segregation of equipment may also help avoid the loss of all equipment at one time during a disaster such as a fire at a storage site (Gray, 2003).Steps Reducing Risk If the risk cannot be eliminated or reduced, two last options are available. First, if the risk is not large, a municipality may decide that the best option is to retain the risk and fund it itself. The municipality must be aware of its financial condition, its cash flow and the availability of additional funds before deciding to assume a ri sk. Retaining the risk is the appropriate action in many cases. Studies have shown that municipalities retain far fewer risks than they are financially able to. By deciding to retain a risk rather than purchasing insurance, a municipality may save money in the long run.Again, this decision can only be made after the financial condition of the municipality has been analyzed in detail (1964). Second, a municipality may be able to transfer the risk to another party. This does not always mean obtaining insurance. The most common form of risk transference is probably the †hold-harmless agreement,†in which a supplier or contractor agrees in the contract to assume risks for which the municipality would normally be responsible. Of course, the added cost to the supplier or contractor of obtaining insurance or otherwise guarding against loss may be passed on to the municipality.In such case, a municipality must calculate costs to determine if transferring the risk in this manner is the best option. In some instances, insurance remains the ultimate solution to a risk management problem. A municipality may want to retain some of the risk of an activity and transfer (1997). Identifying Risk Program Developing a Risk Management Program on a practical level, is the first step in developing a municipal risk management plan to define the scope of the program. This definition should be in writing and should set out the objectives or reasons for establishing the program.Second, it is important to delineate the responsibilities of all persons involved in the risk management function. All persons engaged in identifying and analyzing the risk and implementing the risk management program should be included. Cooperation is one of the keys to successful risk management. Third, a municipality must develop a formal risk retention policy. Once the retention limits are established after a thorough survey of the financial strength of the community, the working policy should be drawn up as a formal policy (Del,n. d).A municipality or board may want to form a safety committee which will be responsible for the conduct of a mandatory safety program for employees. This committee should recommend safety policies to be carried out by administrative personnel and should review all accidents and claims against the municipality. Most of fee accidents and claims are usually found to result from the performance of a relatively few activities. Concentrated efforts can be devoted to the correction of procedures in these areas, thereby minimizing possible losses.The second principal duty of the committee should be that of inspection of municipal procedures and installations, concentrating the search on possible defects which might cause injury and liability. Finally, the committee should confer with insurance carriers and their representatives for the cost of insurance coverage in areas where liability dangers are greatest (Del, n. d). Professional input and guidance b ecome necessary and a professional consultant is best suited to help a municipality determine what steps should be taken to protect against torts. ConclusionRegulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. monitoring the risk environment in a structured way is vital. Looking at legal activity elsewhere and seeing how that might impact the business is a technique to use to avoid torts. There is a lack of awareness among employees about why their companies get sued. It's not just the board's responsibility but must be spread throughout the corporation. Other priorities compete for a worker's time, so there needs to be mechanisms put in place to identify, monitor and address risks.Put in place a strong in house legal team with clear lines of responsibility and accountability. There are a number of cases that have escalated into litigation because of the failure of companies dealing with customers when they register a complaint. Capturing issues at the outset and dealing with them, thereby avoids an escalation of problems and is the best way in tackling situations that pertain to protecting businesses agains torts.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
King Lear and A Thousand Acres Comparative Literary Analysis
King Lear, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is about the delegation of power from the old generation to the young, new generation. Furthermore, the play demonstrates problems that can arise from a transfer made too early, from one generation to the next. A Thousand Acres is a modern retelling of King Lear, that is similar to King Lear, but it is not an exact word for word copy. The overall plot has been retained from King Lear, but some of the minor details have been changed to provide an intriguing new take on the same story. One such change is the fact the story goes from a third person view in King Lear, mostly following King Lear, to a first person narrative from the perspective of Ginny in A Thousand Acres. Ginny is the modern day version for Goneril’s character. King Lear and A Thousand Acres may take place in two different time periods; they both offer comments on the status of women, family relationships, and the natural order of things. The two time periods may be di fferent, one modern day and the other set in the past, however the ideas presented are not that different on a whole. Both works presented share the same common thematic and universal elements throughout. King Lear and A Thousand Acres discuss the role and status of women similarly. In King Lear women were considered lower status than their male counterparts. This is true even of women who would today be considered equal to men, such as a man and a women who went to college and acquired the same
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