Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Dangers of Concussions in US Sports Essay Example for Free
The Dangers of Concussions in US Sports Essay Concussions in Sports Given the potential for life threatening brain injuries or career ending head shots, concussions have become a growing problem in sports around the world. A phrase all too common in sports today is, he got his bell rung. This is, of course, referring to a big hit or gruesome body check sustained in a football or hockey game. Currently, there is a lack of suitable evidence to support the recommendations for the management of traumatic cerebralor brain injuries. Recognizing and managing the effects of concussions is especially important to those involved in the health care of athletes (Sports Related Concussions). Head injuries are inherent risks that can occur in any sport, not just football and hockey. The question is, how can we prevent these grim and life threatening injuries from happening? I believe neurocognitive research and on the field testing are among the most vital ways to manage concussions as well as benefit the health care of athletes. Background: In the United States, you have a 19% chance of suffering a concussion while playing a contact sport; moreover, over 300,000 sports related concussions occur annually. Among college football players, 34% have reported at least one serious head injury during their career; additionally, 20% of these injured athletes have sustained multiple head traumas. Concussions often cause significant and sustained neuropsychological impairments in information-processing speed, problem solving, planning, and memory, and these impairments are worse with multiple concussions (Sports Related Concussions). Definition: The brain is made of soft tissue cushioned by spinal fluid, and is encased in the hard, protective skull. When a person gets a head injury, the brain moves around inside the skull and bangs against it. This can lead to bruising of the brain, tearing of blood vessels, and injury to the nerves (Quinn). A concussion of the brain results in transient loss of consciousness or memory in many cases ( NeurocognitiveTesting: Concussions and brain injuries are among the most difficult to identify. Very few athletes actually lose consciousness, which is one of the most common symptoms. Many athletes are simply fervent to return to the field, which could cause even more harm. Returning to play too soon after a brain injury or concussion, may lead to serious life-threatening complications. A computerized neurocognitive test, combined with a thorough medical exam, may better assist a trained physician with the return-to-play decision (Computerized). One particular evaluation tool, the ImPACT test, has become renowned among all professional sports teams. Developed by Dr. Joseph Maroon, a Pittsburgh Steeler neurosurgeon, the ImPACT test utilizes a twenty minute quiz involving words, pictures, and colors. Medical doctors analyze the results and compare them to a baseline test taken in the beginning of the athletes season (Yahoo Sports). With the increase of attention to sports related head injuries, doctors are seeing more and more tests and products that claim to identify or prevent head injuries. According to Dr. Lovell, mouthpieces, ear pieces, and helmets are great for research purposes, but they cant tell if someone has been injured or if they should be playing (Yahoo Sports). On-Field or Sideline Evaluation: When an athlete is suspected of having a concussion, one of the best ways to detect a serious head injuryis through the evaluation of symptoms, neurocognitive functioning, and balance immediately after the injury occurs. The National Athletic Trainers Association suggests a checklist such as, the Graded Symptom Checklist, should be used when evaluatinga head injury. By checking off symptoms and watching the athlete over a period of 72 hours, you can greatly reduce any chance of reoccurrence. Another suggested method of evaluation is the Standardized Assessment of Concussion Exam; this test utilizes four graded sections, which include: orientation, immediate memory, concentration, and delayed recall. This 30 point test can be completed in about five minutes and is easily given right on the side line during a game. Another test, the Balance Error Scoring System, can easily be performed by a trainer of coach. The athlete stands in three different positions and is timed for 20 seconds each; ultimately, the less coordination the player shows, the higher the risk of a concussion is evident ( How do Concussions occur? Concussions can happen in any sport, at any time. They can occur during drills in practice, as well as in games. In fact, injuries during practice can be just as serious as those that happen during a game. Although more prevalent in contact sports, they may result from a fall, or when a moving object strikes a persons head. A blow that twists the head is more likely to result in loss of consciousness ( Mechanism of Injury: Studies show the most common mechanism of a concussion is when an athlete is moving at a high rate of speed and collides with another object (Quinn). Immediately, the brain shifts inside the skull and strikes the bony surfaces. A direct impact to an athletes head causes shock waves to pass through the skull to the brain. This violent impact creates acceleration which may lead to shear, tensile and compression forces. On average, three to five percent of all sport and recreational injuries are head injuries (Quinn), Signs and Symptoms: The signs of a concussion do not always immediately appear. Headache, amnesia, and confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, and fatigue are the most common symptoms of concussions. In addition, the duration of time that symptoms are present is often indefinable, and depends on the extent of the injury ( Even a minor blow to the head can result in a concussion; if left untreated, it can result in a life-threatening complication ( Sidney Crosby, a National Hockey League super star for the Pittsburgh Penguins, is currently not playing this post season after a concussion he sustained on New Years Day. Unfortunately, he was cleared to play the very next game, and suffered another blow to the head. Sidney was symptom free after the first hit, and apparently, he did not show signs of concussions until the second hit. Had Crosby been given a better on-ice evaluation, he would not have been cleared to play, and could have evaded the second concussion all together. Additionally, the problem is just as prevalent in the National Football League. At the University of North Carolinas Center for the Study of Retired Athletes, studies of brain injuries were performed on more than 2,500 former N.F.L. players. These studies found that cognitive impairment, Alzheimers-like symptoms and depression rose proportionately with the number of concussions the former athletes had sustained (Quinn). N.F.L. player, Andre Waters committed suicide in November 2004, and an explanation for his death has remainedunknown for years. He left a suicide note stating he would like to leave his brain for science to further study the effects of concussions. A Pittsburgh neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omaluh, was given permission to perform such tests. The doctor concluded that Mr. Waters had sustained brain damage from playing football, and said this led to his depression and death. The doctor determined that Mr. Waterss brain tissue had degenerated into that of an 85 year-old man with similar characteristics as those of early stage Alzheimers victims. Dr. Omalu said he believed that the damage was caused by successive concussions ( I believe there needs to be congressional help in combating this difficult issue of athletic concussions. Wearing a good quality helmet, a mouthpiece, and strengthening the neck muscles can help prevent concussions; however, much responsibility lies on the doctors, coaches, and surrounding medical staff. Also, although athletes may be eager to return to play, they need to be honest with the examiner, telling him or her exactly how they feel ( On the field baseline neurocognitive test may be our best hope for the time being, that is, until more research on concussions and the equipment players use can be conducted.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Birthmark Essay: The Theme -- Birthmark Essays
â€Å"The Birthmark†– The Theme              In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale, â€Å"The Birthmark,†the dominant theme is love conquering self, though there is also present the theme of alienation resulting from the evil within mankind. This essay intends to explore, exemplify and develop this topic.  Hyatt Waggoner in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne†states:  Alienation is perhaps the theme he handles with greatest power. â€Å"Insulation,†he sometimes called it – which suggests not only isolation but imperviousness. It is the opposite of that â€Å"osmosis of being†that Warren has written of, that ability to respond and relate to others and the world. . . . it puts one outside the ‘magic circle’ or the ‘magnetic chain’ of humanity, where there is neither love nor reality (54).  Waggoner’s theme of alienation does play a part in the tale, but the theme which dominates is that of love conquering self as exemplified in Georgiana’s growing love for Aylmer. Her love transforms her very soul. â€Å"Everything he has to say is related, finally, to ‘that inward sphere’†(McPherson 68-69). â€Å"When he desired to build the kingdom of God, he looked for the pattern of it, not in history nor in the fortunes of those about him, but in his own heart (Erskine 180).  In the opening paragraph of â€Å"The Birthmark†the narrator introduces Aylmer as a scientist who â€Å"had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one.†Hawthorne’s description of the scientist’s love for Georgiana is apt, for love is just that – spiritual. And the theme of this tale is a spiritual one. Through the course of the story Aylmer declines spiritually, while Georgiana advances spiritually.  Even after Aylmer has â€Å"persuaded a be... ...John. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Leading American Novelists. New York: Books For Libraries Press, 1968.  Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Birthmark†Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library  McPherson, Hugo. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Use of Mythology.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.  Waggoner, Hyatt. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century, edited by Richard Foster. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968.  Williams, Stanley T. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Puritan Mind.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.   Â
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Business Torts Wk 2
Business Torts Pearl leos University of Phoenix Buisness Law/ 531 Kelly Dickson June 10, 2010 Proposed actions a company may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are filed.Seeking advice from government authorities, specialists and risk-management consultants is a technique buinsess should use. It is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify risks and avoid descrepancies within the buisness (Parchomovsky, 2008). Business Torts In order to develop methods to reduce or eliminate torts, risks need to be identified and step s need to be taken. Proposing actions for a company to avoid tort liability and litigation is a way to keep ahead of the game.A company may take actions to avoid product liability risk such as; identifying risk, risk management, analysis and risk control to avoid torts. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is vital. Employing risk and management principles will not always prevent a businesses from being sued or from suffering loss but financial burdens can be significantly reduced. Identifying Risk An integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are ever filed.Not all companies understand how to completely guard themselves of outside entities that have ill will and malice intent therefore it is important to completely understand how to handle these circumstances. Such risks have an impact on a company’s exis ting assets, earnings, and often, reputation. In the context of tort liability arising out of noncompliance of government regulations, it is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify those risks, and to implement action plans to avoid such risks.Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from of domestic and international regulatory matters (Wilson, 2009). Regulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. Business members should be aware of specific goals, business needs, economics and the impact of potential liability as well as managing risk and risks associated with the failure to comply with a whole host of governmental regulations. In the event those risks do develop, the company needs to have system in place to properly manage and contain monetary and repetitional loss to the company.Additionally, companies will also benefit by anticipating what regulatory changes are upcoming instead to adjust the business practices accordingly, thereby minimizing the exposure to tort liability arising out of noncompliance of regulations (Wilson, 2009). Risk Management This may be as simple as continuing to operate as usual or as complicated as restructuring or abolishing an entire department. Risk IdentificationThe first step in the risk management process is to identify all potential losses facing a municipality. Risk identification is an on going process that changes with each new situation.Risk identification, or exposure identification, requires the development of an inventory of all municipal operations, knowledge of the potential liabilities that may be imposed by either statute or common law, and knowledge of the worth of all municipal assets and sources of revenue. This step must include an evaluation of all potential events that might adversely affect the finances of a municipality. Contracts should be reviewed thoroughly, before being signed, to ensu re that the municipality is obtaining the best deal possible.In some cases, risks can be transferred to the contracting party. Potential losses of income and extra expenses that a municipality might incur are two areas often overlooked in risk identification. (Parchomovsky, 2008). Other areas where risk management principles should be applied include vehicle usage, maintenance of property and facilities, public use of facilities, use of independent contractors and consultants, personnel questions and personal injury and property injury exposure. All municipal activities should be evaluated and facilities inspected.Court decisions and legislation that affect municipalities must be reviewed. Insurance and risk management publications should be studied for the latest information on loss avoidance. Attending courses on risk management may prove beneficial. The importance of the human element cannot be overemphasized when identifying risks. Asking employees and supervisors for their inpu t because they are in the best position to identify risks. It is important to communicate with people in other municipalities who are involved in risk management that might have faced and solved a similar problem in the past.Obviously, a great amount of guesswork is involved in risk identification, and some potential losses may be overlooked. However, by making a conscientious effort, the most common losses can be reduced or perhaps totally avoided (Marcus, 1986). Analysis The next step is to calculate the potential severity and frequency of losses facing the municipality in each of the identified risk areas. A review of the past experience of the municipality, as well as statistical information and probability analysis, is necessary. The impact of a particular risk on a municipality is difficult to determine.The use of statistics and probability analysis involves guesswork. To determine where a municipality should concentrate its risk management efforts, the risk analysis should be performed carefully. Some risks may involve such a small amount or probability of loss that the municipality will decide to simply absorb any losses which occur. The potential loss may be so large and difficult to avoid that insurance might be the only recourse (Marcus, 1986). Risk Control Once the risk areas are identified and analyzed, the next step is to eliminate, reduce or transfer the risk.Steps toward risk control are taken prior to suffering a loss, with the primary goal being loss prevention. However, when a loss cannot be prevented, risk control principles may help reduce the financial liability suffered by a municipality. Elimination of a risk is the most desirable goal. If a municipality discovers a way to eliminate a risk, there is no need to worry about its future effect or to insure against it but risks cannot always be eliminated. For instance, abolishing the police force will eliminate all loss exposure in that area, but in most cases, that action is not desirable. After an analysis, a municipality may decide to stop performing some activities or to transfer the risk to a private operator. If a risk cannot be eliminated, the next choice is to attempt to reduce the risk. Risk reduction primarily involves safety. Some common techniques for reducing risks include adoption of policies for, and proper training of, personnel, particularly for the police and fire protection services, and proper inspection and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Segregation of equipment may also help avoid the loss of all equipment at one time during a disaster such as a fire at a storage site (Gray, 2003).Steps Reducing Risk If the risk cannot be eliminated or reduced, two last options are available. First, if the risk is not large, a municipality may decide that the best option is to retain the risk and fund it itself. The municipality must be aware of its financial condition, its cash flow and the availability of additional funds before deciding to assume a ri sk. Retaining the risk is the appropriate action in many cases. Studies have shown that municipalities retain far fewer risks than they are financially able to. By deciding to retain a risk rather than purchasing insurance, a municipality may save money in the long run.Again, this decision can only be made after the financial condition of the municipality has been analyzed in detail (1964). Second, a municipality may be able to transfer the risk to another party. This does not always mean obtaining insurance. The most common form of risk transference is probably the †hold-harmless agreement,†in which a supplier or contractor agrees in the contract to assume risks for which the municipality would normally be responsible. Of course, the added cost to the supplier or contractor of obtaining insurance or otherwise guarding against loss may be passed on to the municipality.In such case, a municipality must calculate costs to determine if transferring the risk in this manner is the best option. In some instances, insurance remains the ultimate solution to a risk management problem. A municipality may want to retain some of the risk of an activity and transfer (1997). Identifying Risk Program Developing a Risk Management Program on a practical level, is the first step in developing a municipal risk management plan to define the scope of the program. This definition should be in writing and should set out the objectives or reasons for establishing the program.Second, it is important to delineate the responsibilities of all persons involved in the risk management function. All persons engaged in identifying and analyzing the risk and implementing the risk management program should be included. Cooperation is one of the keys to successful risk management. Third, a municipality must develop a formal risk retention policy. Once the retention limits are established after a thorough survey of the financial strength of the community, the working policy should be drawn up as a formal policy (Del,n. d).A municipality or board may want to form a safety committee which will be responsible for the conduct of a mandatory safety program for employees. This committee should recommend safety policies to be carried out by administrative personnel and should review all accidents and claims against the municipality. Most of fee accidents and claims are usually found to result from the performance of a relatively few activities. Concentrated efforts can be devoted to the correction of procedures in these areas, thereby minimizing possible losses.The second principal duty of the committee should be that of inspection of municipal procedures and installations, concentrating the search on possible defects which might cause injury and liability. Finally, the committee should confer with insurance carriers and their representatives for the cost of insurance coverage in areas where liability dangers are greatest (Del, n. d). Professional input and guidance b ecome necessary and a professional consultant is best suited to help a municipality determine what steps should be taken to protect against torts. ConclusionRegulatory risks and tort liability are nothing new to companies within the business world of todays’ society. monitoring the risk environment in a structured way is vital. Looking at legal activity elsewhere and seeing how that might impact the business is a technique to use to avoid torts. There is a lack of awareness among employees about why their companies get sued. It's not just the board's responsibility but must be spread throughout the corporation. Other priorities compete for a worker's time, so there needs to be mechanisms put in place to identify, monitor and address risks.Put in place a strong in house legal team with clear lines of responsibility and accountability. There are a number of cases that have escalated into litigation because of the failure of companies dealing with customers when they register a complaint. Capturing issues at the outset and dealing with them, thereby avoids an escalation of problems and is the best way in tackling situations that pertain to protecting businesses agains torts.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
King Lear and A Thousand Acres Comparative Literary Analysis
King Lear, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is about the delegation of power from the old generation to the young, new generation. Furthermore, the play demonstrates problems that can arise from a transfer made too early, from one generation to the next. A Thousand Acres is a modern retelling of King Lear, that is similar to King Lear, but it is not an exact word for word copy. The overall plot has been retained from King Lear, but some of the minor details have been changed to provide an intriguing new take on the same story. One such change is the fact the story goes from a third person view in King Lear, mostly following King Lear, to a first person narrative from the perspective of Ginny in A Thousand Acres. Ginny is the modern day version for Goneril’s character. King Lear and A Thousand Acres may take place in two different time periods; they both offer comments on the status of women, family relationships, and the natural order of things. The two time periods may be di fferent, one modern day and the other set in the past, however the ideas presented are not that different on a whole. Both works presented share the same common thematic and universal elements throughout. King Lear and A Thousand Acres discuss the role and status of women similarly. In King Lear women were considered lower status than their male counterparts. This is true even of women who would today be considered equal to men, such as a man and a women who went to college and acquired the same
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