Monday, May 25, 2020
Spanish Gerund Following Verbs Other Than Estar
The Spanish gerund  the verb form ending in -ando or -iendo  is used frequently with forms of estar to form the progressive tenses. However, it can also be used with other verbs, sometimes with meanings that are similar to the progressive tenses. Verbs Often Used With the Gerund Here are some of the most common verbs that can be followed by the gerund: Seguir or Continuar These verbs typically mean to keep on or to continue. With this usage, the two verbs are generally interchangeable with little difference in meaning. Sony sigue hablando mal del plasma, mientras sigue lanzando televisores LCD. (Sony keeps on speaking poorly of plasma while it keeps on releasing LCD televisions.)Venezuela continuarà ¡ comprando cemento cubano. (Venezuela will keep on buying Cuban cement.)Muchas veces seguimos durmiendo mà ¡s de lo que deberà amos. (Many times we continue sleeping longer than we should.)Las cuatro continuaban peleando y un hombre que se movilizaba en una motocicleta aprovechà ³ para robarles. (The four kept on fighting and a man on a motorcycle took advantage of the situation to rob them.) Andar Although standing alone andar typically means to walk, when followed by a gerund it means roughly the same as to go around doing something in a rather pointless or unproductive fashion. If youre translating to English, the translation can vary considerably with context. Andar generally has a negative connotation when used this way. Descubrà el foro porque andaba navegando en Internet. (I discovered the forum because I was browsing around the Internet.)Katy anda comiendo todo el dà a. (Katy goes around eating all day.)Tà º sabes que todos andamos buscando una vida que satisfaga. (You know that all of us spend our time looking for a satisfying life.) Ir Sometimes, ir is used in the same way as andar, above. But it usually doesnt have the negative connotation. In fact, it usually suggests that the action in progress is proceeding gradually or steadily. Again, translations of ir followed by the Spanish gerund can vary with the context. Vamos estudiando mejor la situacià ³n real del pueblo. (We are coming to study better the real situation of the people.)Fueron comprando trozo a trozo el terreno durante un proceso de unos quince aà ±os mà ¡s o menos. (They went about buying the land one piece at a time during a process that lasted 15 years more or less.)Los estudiantes van ganando influencia. (The students are steadily gaining influence.) Venir Followed with a gerund, venir often refers to something that has been occurring for a long time and is still continuing. It sometimes conveys frustration that the action isnt complete. As in the first two examples below, it is often used to indicate how long something has been occurring. En los à ºltimos aà ±os, se viene hablando de liderazgo. (In recent years, much has been spoken about leadership.)Hace seis meses que viene probando suerte como modelo en Parà s. (For the past six months she has been trying her luck as a model in Paris.)Vienen diciendome que no soy normal. (They have been telling me that Im not normal.) Following Other Verbs With Gerunds In general, most verbs can be followed by a gerund as a way of indicating how the first verbs action in performed. In effect, the gerund functions much as an adverb. In many cases, sentences using a gerund in this way cant be translated word for word.. A few examples: Empezamos escuchando y terminamos entendiendo todo. (We begin by listening and finish by understanding everything.)De pronto nos encontramos escribiendo una nueva historia. (Suddenly we found ourselves writing a new story.)Antonio miraba estudiando todos mis movimientos. (Antonio watched me, studying all of my movements.)Buscamos en su Instagram unos fotos donde aparezcas sonriendo. (We are searching on your Instagram feed for photos where you appear to be smiling.)  ¡Ã‚ ¡Ella perdià ³ 12 kilos bebiendo este jugo milagroso!! (She lost 12 kilograms by drinking this miracle juice!) Key Takeaways The gerund is used most often with estar to form the progressive or continuous tenses.It can also be used with several other verbs, among them seguir and continuar, to convey an idea similar to a progressive tense.In other situations, the gerund can function much like an adverb in modifying or explaining the meaning of another verb.
Friday, May 15, 2020
What Is Cabinet Solidarity in Canadian Government
In Canada, the Cabinet (or Ministry) consists of the prime minister and various ministers who oversee different federal government departments. This Cabinet operates under the principle of solidarity, meaning that the ministers may disagree and state their personal opinions during private meetings, but must present a unified front on all decisions to the public. Thus, the ministers must publicly support the decisions made by the prime minister and the Cabinet as a whole. Collectively, the ministers will be held accountable for these decisions, even if they do not personally agree with them. The Canadian governments Open and Accountable Government guide provides Cabinet ministers with their roles and responsibilities. With respect to solidarity, it states: Confidences of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, more commonly referred to as Cabinet confidences, must be appropriately safeguarded from unauthorized disclosure or other compromises. The Cabinet’s collective decision-making process has traditionally been protected by the rule of confidentiality, which enhances Cabinet solidarity and collective ministerial responsibility. Confidentiality ensures that Ministers can frankly express their views before a final decision is made. The Prime Minister expects Ministers to announce policies only after Cabinet decisions are taken, in consultation with the Prime Minister’s Office and the Privy Council Office. How the Canadian Cabinet Reaches Agreement The prime minister oversees decision-making in the Cabinet by organizing and leading Cabinet and committee meetings. The Cabinet works through a process of compromise and consensus building, which leads to a Cabinet decision. The Cabinet and its committees do not vote on issues before them. Instead, the prime minister (or committee chairperson) â€Å"calls†for the consensus after the ministers have stated their views on the matter under consideration. Can a Canadian Minister Disagree With the Government? Cabinet solidarity means that all members of the Cabinet must support Cabinet decisions. In private, the ministers may voice their opinions and concerns. However, in public, the Cabinet ministers cannot disassociate themselves from or repudiate the decisions of their Cabinet colleagues unless they resign from the Cabinet. Additionally, Cabinet ministers must present their opinions during decision-making, but after the Cabinet makes a decision, the ministers must maintain confidentiality about the process. Canadian Ministers May Be Accountable for Decisions They Don't Agree With Canadian ministers are held jointly accountable for all decisions of the Cabinet, so they may have to answer for decisions they were personally against. Additionally, the ministers are individually responsible and accountable to Parliament for all acts by their respective departments. This principle of ministerial accountability means that each minister has ultimate responsibility for the proper functioning of his or her department and all other organizations within his or her portfolio. In a situation where a ministers department has acted inappropriately, the prime minister may choose to reaffirm support for that minister or to ask for his or her resignation.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
No Heroes, No Villains By Steven Phillips - 1212 Words
In the short book of â€Å"No Heroes, No Villains†by Steven Phillips On June 28, 1972, a Transit Authority patrolman, John Skagen, was on his way home from testifying at court for an arrest he made a couple of weeks prior. Skagen was taking the train home to the Bronx when he saw and stopped James Richardson who was awaiting the subway train which would take him to work at Lincoln Hospital. Skagen ordered him to â€Å"put up your hands, and get against the wall†. Skagen’s actions seem unprovoked and unnecessary. After a short tussle the two men exchanged shots and Richardson fled the scene on foot. Two other officers that were on the main street above the subway station rushed to the scene. As they approached the entrance of the station, Richardson who was fleeing the scene ran directly into one of the officers. One of the officer noticed Richardson was shot and attempted to stop Richardson. The other officer continued down into the subway and witnesses Skagen h olding his gun and pointing it towards him, the officer emptied his gun into Skagen who was able to let off one round prior to the officer shooting him. Richardson was later apprehended and taken to the emergency room for his wounds. His gun was also retrieved. Skagen was rushed to the same hospital emergency room where he was pronounced dead. Richardson confessed to shooting Skagen and revealed that there were only four rounds exchanged between the two men. Skagen’s autopsy revealed that he had been shot five times andShow MoreRelatedNo Heros No Villians1488 Words  | 6 PagesSociology 461 Criminal Justice Systems Edward M. Stern No Heroes, No Villains; by Steven Phillips In the book No Heroes, No Villains the author Steve Phillips describes a story of a single dramatic trial of murder it offers a thoughtful and balanced presentation of the problems besetting our criminal courts, lays bare the mechanics of justice, and explains in graphic detail just what is wrong and right about our criminal justice system. Throughout this book there are many important details leadingRead MoreVillains in Hollywood Films Essay2476 Words  | 10 PagesVillains in Hollywood Films Alfred Hitchcock once said The better the villain, the better the film and this years Hollywood filmmakers have abided by this golden rule as there was no stopping this years summer blockbusters from having a whole horde of villainous characters spreading their wings onto the big screen, making the darker side more appealing for audiences. Everybody has gone villain this year, from Tom Cruise to Halle Berry, from the not- so-friendly extraRead MoreThe Marvel Of Marvel Comics2519 Words  | 11 PagesApril 14, 2015 The History of Marvel Comics When is the last time you saw a superhero? There is a fifty percent chance that this person is one of Marvel’s infinite amounts of superheroes and greatly known as the mass producers of comic book heroes and villains, Marvel Comics has become one of the most dominant pop culture icons on the face of the planet (Knutson). Marvel is one of the most influential when it comes to all ages living in the United States because of being operational for so long: theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSelf-Assessment Library How Charismatic Am I? 382 Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader? 386 An Ethical Choice Do Leaders Have a Responsibility to Protect Followers? 388 Myth or Science? â€Å"Power Helps Leaders Perform Better†392 Point/Counterpoint Heroes Are Made, Not Born 398 Questions for Review 399 Experiential Exercise What Is a Leader? 399 Ethical Dilemma Undercover Leaders 399 Case Incident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power andRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 PagesRoss Brawn: ‘it’s not an engine, it’s not an aero-package, it’s not a chassis. It’s a Ferrari.’ As part of its recruitment of Michael Schumacher in 1996 Ferrari entered into a commercial partnership with Phillip Morris to use the Marlboro brand on the Ferrari cars. In a novel arrangement Phillip Morris, rather than Ferrari, paid Schumacher’s salary, and made a signiï ¬ cant contribution to Ferrari’s annual operating budget. In addition to Marlboro, Ferrari also entered into a long-term partnership withRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesThey are creating next generation, fuel efficient vehicles, developing sustainable sources of energy, and exploring the farthest reaches of outer space. The impact of project management is most profound in the electronics industry, where the new folk heroes are young professionals whose Herculean efforts lead to the constant flow of new hardware and software products. Project management is not limited to the private sector. Project management is also a vehicle for doing good deeds and solving social
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Economic Order Quantity and Optimal Order Size free essay sample
Question 1 The Metropolitan Book Company purchases papers from the Atlantic Paper Company. Metropolitan produces magazines and paperbacks that require 1,215,000 pounds of paper per year. The cost per order for the company is $1200; the cost of holding 1 pound of paper in inventory is $0.08 per year. Determine the following: a) The economic order quantity b) The minimum total annual cost c) The optimal number of orders per year d) The optimal time between orders Question 2 The purchasing manager for the Atlantic Steel Company must determine a policy for ordering coal to operate 12 converters. Each converter requires exactly 5 tons of coal per day to operate, and the firm operates 360 days per year. The purchasing manager has determined that the ordering cost is $80 per order and the cost of holding coal is 20% of the average dollar value of inventory held. The purchasing manager has negotiated a contract to obtain the coal for $12 per ton for the coming year. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Order Quantity and Optimal Order Size or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page a) Determine the optimal quantity of coal to receive in each order. b) Determine the total inventory-related costs associated with the optimal ordering policy (do not include the cost of the coal). c) If 5 days of lead time are required to receive an order of coal, how much coal should be on hand when an order is placed? Question 3 The Pacific Lumber Company and Mill process 10,000 logs annually, operating 250 days per year. Immediately upon receiving an order, the logging company’s supplier begins delivery to the lumber mill, at a rate of 60 logs per day. The lumber mill has determine that the ordering cost is $1,600 per order and the cost of carrying logs in inventory before they are processes is $15 per log on an annual basis. Determine the following: a) The optimal order size b) The total inventory cost associated with the optimal order quantity. c) The number of operating days between orders d) The number of operating days required to receive an order.
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